Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Garden of Life Raw Meal

I've been eating from this humongous jar of meal replacement powder I got from Natural Products Expo West. Big plus: it's Gluten Free. I may have gotten it in 2014 but never felt the need to utilize it. But as my foot increasingly goes beyond 4/5 in the grave, metaboloism slows.

While it's tasty and a good snack, it doesn't replace anything. I'm sure that has nothing to do with this particular item. For me, it doesn't fill me up. It's a good appetizer, I suppose. And I didn't tire of it. Some days I actually craved it. But I commiserate with those who rely on these replacement shakes. If they're anything like me, they'd still be hungry.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Homewood Liberty Station Gluten Free

Here's something new this year for breakfast at the Homewood Liberty Station San Diego.

They're the same sausage patties they've always served but now they write that they're gluten free. I'm not sure whether that means the sausages and other stuff aren't gluten free, but I was glad to see they're conscious of people's allergies.

Special shout out to Angela who was the sweetest person. They need to put up a tip jar somewhere. I left money on the table and on the counter. I'm sure someone swiped it.

EZC Pack Not Easy

I was introduced to EZC Pak at the Natural Products Expo West. I was told that it would defend against some pretty virulent strains such as hospital borne diseases. Hyperbole is an inherent component of exhibitor conduct at large scale expos such as NPEW so I didn't completely disregard the product.

Come Comic-Con 2015, I thought I'd give it a try since it states that it's a 5-day Tapered Immune Support Pack. I don't even know what that means, but since SDCC is 5 days long, I thought I'd give it a try. Turns out you have to pop pills for 5 days.

The first day you pop 2--an Echinacea capsule and Zinc capsule--every six hours. Day 2 is every 8 hours then follow that up with every 12 hours until the supply is gone. And then what? What supposedly happens? It doesn't support your immune system for 5 days; it's a five-day regimen which is pretty difficult to sustain. Yes, I want to wake up or stop my day to take 2 pills every six hours. And why would I want to take that many pills?

I couldn't keep the schedule. Although I didn't get sick, I wouldn't necessarily blame or attribute sickness to the pills I did take.